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We are proud to partner with these companies that offer excellent
products to compliment your Creative Cutter.
Doodlebug Design Inc.
Doodlebug Design is a fun and exciting scrapbook manufacturer that is always looking to provide our customers with original designs and quality products.
Verve Stamps
Verve offers unique and uplifting high quality clear photopolymer stamps. Their designs range from modern and whimsical to elegant and timeless and are just too beautiful to resist!
Copic Marker
Copic Markers are the highest quality marker available anywhere. Including four styles that are refillable and feature replaceable nibs, you will never have to throw a marker away.
Spellbinders offers a high quality hand operated embossing machine to get that beautiful deep emboss only a separate embossing machine can provide.
Pink Paislee
Pink Paislee products aren’t manufactured; they’re crafted. They begin with original design, carefully selected color palettes, and a strong attention to detail.
Inspired Crafts
Inspired Crafts offers a blade treatment to keep your blades (and scissors, punches etc.) cutting better and longer and a spray for your papers for the crispest, cleanest cuts possible! > Buy in our online store
DCWV sells high quality beautiful patterned and glitter patterned paper in coordinating stacks. We love how well the paper cuts and we also love how easy it is to put a beautiful project together using the coordinating papers that are sold in convenient stacks.
Canvas Corp
Canvas Corp manufactures and distributes a line of craft, scrapbooking and home decor basics. Under the Canvas Corp umbrella of brands is BagWorks, 7gypsies , and Tattered Angels.
P K Glitz
Creators of the finest in embossing powders, glitters, and adhesives.
Prima Marketing
Prima Marketing, Inc. is an established leader in flower embellishments in the scrapbooking and crafting industries.
DecoArt has one of the widest selection of paints and finishes for arts, crafts, and home decorating.