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Create over 130 rhinestone designs that are perfect every time for every occasion. You can then customize even more with three rhinestone fonts to create any custom text!
All the fashion, fun, and events of our not so distant past! Complete with adorable pin up girls, juke-boxes, poodle skirts, classic cars, and more!
Wall Decor
The perfect way to add a personal and beautiful touch to any room. Includes elegant swirls, quotable quotes, and adorable designs for your home.
At The Zoo
These whimsical paper piecing animals are as cute as they come. Enjoy an entire array of zoo animals from armadillos to elephants that are perfect for nursery keepsakes, scrapbook albums and more!
Inked Up
These trendy tattoo inspired designs will give your project the perfect amount of sass. Includes fashionable cute hearts, skull and crossbones, flames, motorcycles, Chinese symbols and more!
Paper Lace
Beautiful 12″x12″ overlays that can be layered over solid or patterned paper to create exquisite pages! Whether you want shapes, text, or intricate detail you are sure to find the right overlay for your project.
Don’t See What You Want?
This is just a small sample of our huge catalog
of CDs. Explore our cutting file CDs, Journaling
Font CDs, and so many more in our online store!
Paper Petals
Blooming with classic roses and daisies to the more exotic hibiscus and birds of paradise flower, you will find enough blossoms on this CD to create your own garden!
Stick Ups
Make your whole family out of these adorable stick figures! Choose from one of the premade figures or assemble your own face, clothes, hair, and accessories for a stick figure that is totally you!
Day Dreams
Add some childhood whimsy to your projects with your favorite fable and fairytale characters. You’ll find classic favorites such as Cinderella, Rapunzel, Goldi locks, and more!
Tagging Along
Designer Mary Kerr shares over 30 tags created in her whimsical, bright, and clean style on this CD. You will always have the perfect tag for a holiday, gift, or just because!
Swirls and Twirls
Swirls, flourishes and twirls have added beauty to art throughout the ages. With the Swirls and Twirls CD you can now add the same elegant touch to home decor, scrapbook pages, and more!
Greeting Cards
Beautiful handmade cards are the perfect way to express any sentiment. With 20 different cards to choose from ranging from pop up cards to wedding invitations, you will always have the card you need.
Word Books
You will love creating themed mini albums for keepsakes, gifts, and more with these word shaped books! Each page is two letters which fold, layer, and stack together to create a word!